Wholesale – This Kapha-Balancing Face Massage Oil is a base blend of jojoba, apricot, grapeseed, and vitamin E oils combined a unique Kapha-balancing essential oil blend, developed under the guidance of Melanie Sachs. It is for Kapha-type skin and complexions that easily get congested and need an oil that is warming, rich, and luxurious.
Jojoba - repairs, protects, and helps ease congestion
Apricot Seed Oil - light and warming
Grapeseed Oil - light, yet nourishing
Orange - stimulates flow in lymph and circulation, uplifting
Bergamot - balances sebum, reduces perspiration, curbs appetite, lifts spirits
Rosemary - atiseptic, stimulating to nervous system, reduces cellulite, cleansing, clarity, will strengthening
Juniper Berry - reduces congestion, stimulates circulation, helps with letting go and breaking limitations