Services That We Offer...
     The goal of our counseling and treatments is to help you to live your life healthy, happy, and inspired.  Our counseling will provide you with the information and tools necessary for you to reach your greater potentials in body, emotions, and spirit.  And our treatments can be approached from a number of levels; from addressing a particular dis-ease, for detoxification and rejuvenation, or for the sheer pleasure of connecting to your body and mind through the many pleasurable massage techniques that we offer.

     Note that with each counseling and treatment that is listed and described there will be listed a fee.  These fees are based on professional rates for similar services in the San Luis Obispo, CA area.  At the same time, in the true spirit of healing, we are more concerned for your health and wellbeing than a set fee for any service.  Thus, all fees are negotiable within reason.  We are even open to barters.

     If you would like a downloadable menu of our services, click HERE .

Ayurvedic Face Rejuvenation
A combination of gentle balancing touch, use of vital energy points (marmas), relaxing scalp massage, together with the use of customized aromatic oils that deeply calms, refreshes and re-energizes your face and whole being. Options include: herbal steam, mask and gentle cleanse and rejuvenation with colloidal mineral water. $ 115 (currently not available)

Himalayan Mountain Abhyanga

Full body massage with customized, organic essential oils and the use of secret energy points (marmas) that refresh and revitalize the whole body followed by a gentle body polish using a warmed herbal powder on the body and cool herbal face mask that will leave you feeling light, clear and joyfully energized. $115 (currently not available)
Options include:
Breast massage with aromatic herbal oil that helps ease tenderness and relieve tension. $15
Nadi Swedana, herbal steam that floats like a warm cloud over the back or any joint that is in need of a little extra care helping to improve mobility and ease pain. $15

Tibetan Shirodhara
A combination of Tibetan massage techniques that lead you into a very peaceful and profoundly deep state of relaxed awareness.  Energy points help release mental tension, gentle massage and warmth on the belly and feet settle the emotions and then the head is anointed with warmed oil that recharges your body, bringing clarity to your mind and offering a quiet space to experience your true self. $115 (AVAILABLE)

Balancing aromatic foot bath, neck massage, foot massage using marma and reflex points using  customized, aromatic oils followed by massage with an Indian three metal foot massage tool and a gentle cleansing with herbal powder that will lighten your step and brighten your mood. $90 (currently not available)



Tibetan Chakra Stone Journey
A deep and transforming journey.  An anointing of sacred energy points with pure essential oil blends, followed by chakra massage, special breathing, dowsing, semi-precious stones engraved with Tibetan symbols placed over the chakras, and guided imagery combine to calm, center and strengthen your whole subtle energy system bringing with it peace and personal power through greater clarity. $115 (AVAILABLE)








Tibetan Blissful Sleep
Regular sound sleep is vital to our well being.  A deep foot massage and gentle abdominal massage with Tibetan herbal oil followed by a energy point (marma) sequence designed to specifically address insomnia will help teach your body to relax and sink into exquisite slumber and awake with greater vigor and clarity. $75 (currently not available)

 Marmas and Mud Magic
A warm, aromatic foot bath and massage with a small Indian metal massage tool immediately helps you unwind.  Energy points (marmas) are anointed with customized, organic, aromatic oils. Then your arms and legs are painted with an Indian herb and clay blend that increases the flow of energy and helps you feel stronger and more grounded. $75 (currently not available)


Netra Basti
Bathing the eyes in pure, clarified butter to help ease tension, dryness and irritation. $75 (AVAILABLE)
    Options include: aromatic foot bath and short foot massage followed by herbal foot cleanse. $15



performing nasya treatment  

A brief face massage and application of warm compresses on the cheeks and forehead followed by herbal nasal drops to help clear the sinuses and ease dark rings under the eyes is a powerfully enlivening experience. $75 (AVAILABLE)






Karna Purana

As you lay comfortably on your side warm oil is applied to the jaw line and a warm compress applied.  When the face is thoroughly warmed warm oil is poured into the ear.  The same is then offered to the other ear.  This helps ease TMJ, (jaw tension) dryness and ringing in the ears. $75 (AVAILABLE)


Pancha Karma for Seasonal Cleansing
   For a gentle, yet very effective detoxification and rejuvenation that can be done once or twice a year.  A series of full body oil massages, herbal steams, specially selected sense-cleansing techniques (Nasya, Netra Basti, Karna Purana) and/or shirodhara, and deep detox techniques (i.e. enemas, purgatives, emetics) done with guidance or at home, combined with daily assessments and general lifestyle counseling before, during, and following the treatments.  A thorough and blissful way to detoxify, rejuvenate, and revitalize your whole being.  Three to Seven day process for $200 per day.  (currently not available)

Counseling Services

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Counseling
   Assessment of your Ayurvedic Body/mind type and guidance on diet, exercise and meditation to help you learn how to keep yourself in optimal health and vitality. $108

 Nine Star Ki Astrology

   A profound system from Tibetan, Chinese, and Japanese astrological traditions.  Just using your birth day, month, and year, Nine Star Ki will help you gain insights into relationships at home and at work, self-understanding, health issues, career moves, and financial prospects.  $150 per individual, $200 for couples, and adjustable rates for larger groups

LifeLine Technique Sessions
     A process to help you process subconscious thoughts, patterns, and programs and embrace fully your conscious intentions.  90 minutes sessions.  Move forward in your life with the LifeLine Experience. $125 per session

Psycho-Spiritual Counseling
   Contemplative counseling specializing in individual psychotherapy, relationship concerns, transpersonal issues, utilizing contemporary western and eastern methods, for personal growth, wellness and insight.  $108 
   30 years of experience and practice of traditional Tibetan Buddhist mind training.  Receive personal or group instruction in calm-abiding and healing meditations for well being.  By donation

For more information or to book an appointment, call
Office: 805-904-6408
Email:   /   805-904-6408   /   P.O. Box 13753  San Luis Obispo, CA 93406

© 2016 Diamond Way Ayurveda